Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ma Moustiquaire

Here is my moustiquaire, or, as they say in Créole, mustiké.  Créole is totally phonetic, like Spanish, and sounds a little choppier to me than French.  On Saturday night there was a storm, into Sunday morning, and this awakened lots of mosquitoes. In addition, I would leave my bedroom door open.  As there are doors left open downstairs during the day, a lot of flying bugs can come in. At any rate, Saturday and Sunday night were big mosquito nights.  Think Canada on our summer fishing vacation. So Monday I went out looking for a mosquito net. They were right on the shelf in the grocery store. This is actually a really big one, for a whole family to sleep under, I guess. I think I could put the other twin bed in my room under it as well.  
Meritesse, who is one of the caretakers here at the school, and practically lives here, installed it for me.  Just as he was bringing the ladder up the stairs (I'm on the third floor) Dinah and her cousin Nancy came up to say hi. So you can picture poor Meritesse high on a ladder, and three women directing him, a little to the left, make the string looser, not near the fan. He was cheerful through it all, however, and the result got pretty nice, don't you think? 


  1. It looks quite exotic,Liz. Think Casablanca. K

  2. I know, I am such a diva, aren't I? Does it make me certifiable or what?
