Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Too Much Food

     It is a sin to say it, here in Haiti, but I have way too much food.  First of all, Dinah, Dr. Mortel's sister, is a fabulous cook.  So she sends food.  On Sunday, when Jeff was leaving, she made a special soup and sent it for breakfast.  We were at church a long time (services are usually at least two hours long; Dr. Mortel says a Haitian feels cheated if he gets any less) and the ride to the airport came before he could eat very much. So I have some very good soup in the fridge, in addition to some of the other meals she made for us in the past 5 days.  Pasta and rice and meat with sauces, especially bean sauce, all a little spicy with clove and other things- but not too spicy. It's very good.
Then there are the lunch ladies. They come Monday to Friday and make huge vats of soup or rice and beans, or maize, like yesterday.  Really good, stew-type things I happen to like.  So I give them a saucepan and say, "un petit peu, s'il vous plait," and they send that up, full.  So now I have around ten containers full of meals in my refrigerator.
Meritesse, the caretaker here, just came up and asked me for a plate so he could bring me some lunch.  I showed him my collection in the fridge and told him to tell them thanks, but not for a couple of days at least.
Jeff said, "Every time I come to Haiti I think I am going to lose weight, but I never do."  I can easily see why.

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