Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Muddy Day

     The town has been working on the Boulevard, the street where the school is located.  First they dug up the roadbeds, then they dropped off a lot of stone, and then it seemed things ground to a halt. This may have been due to Carnaval. Or not. Anyway, starting last week and yesterday SNEP, le Système National d'Eau Potable, ran new waterlines in the street, (at least I am assuming it was them) and last night I think one of them burst.
     I'd decided to splurge and went to Foun's for dinner, and when I came home- in the dark, no electricity, down the street full of ditches and stone piles, I realized there was moving water. Lots of it. When I finally picked my way down to the school, I stood facing the gates and the driveway and realized I was actually going to have to walk straight through it. Yeccch.       
     Fortunately Wilson opened the gates the second I knocked, plus he turned on the generator for me so I was able to see to get ready for bed- and scrub my feet and sandals!  I am happy to report that the water pressure was much improved, in spite of the leaking pipe.
      Then as I lay in bed reading, what did I hear but a rainstorm.  It poured for a little while.  So things went from bad to worse out on the Boulevard. 
     I know that today some of you had school delays on account of the snow. We did not have a delay, but several teachers and kids were late on account of the mud.   And there were a lot of dirty shoes.  It was actually worse in some of the other areas. The patch in front of the school was pretty well dried off till school let out this afternoon, but I went to the market right across the street, and there were blocks over there that were still a foot deep, that no one walked through all day.  Meritesse got some stones from the construction site and made a path for the kids to walk in. If you want to see the rest of the street, here is a little video that I posted on the internet. Elisa, whom some of you know, is the little girl in the middle. 

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