Thursday, March 5, 2009

Widlyn's Fifth Grade

Widlyn, besides being the seventh grade science teacher, teaches fifth grade. She knows that I am into plants and trees, and today she asked me if I wanted to see her class do brouturage.
Of course I had to say, "Quoi?" So she showed me her science textbook: Cutting and rooting tree and bush stems. Here you see some of her students getting the cuttings ready, while Widlyn explains how to prepare the stems. They planted their stems in tin can pots.

Then later in the morning the fifth grade was one of the classes to come to the group instruction room for English class. Today we worked on animal names, I like, and asking and answering questions. You can see by the end of the video below that they were calling out the question and the answer themselves.
I wrote a limerick for them about some of the animals that they learned. I wrote 3 more verses to do in the coming weeks. I think they liked it. It goes like this:

I went to the Animal Fair,
The cats and the monkeys were there!
The flamingoes were tall
And the frogs were so small
And a mouse wore a bow in her hair!

So we recited the limerick a little bit, and then got up and started walking in a circle to play a game I called the "Animal Fair." They asked and answered a question until I said "I see a tiger!" and then they ran to the far wall to touch it before the tiger "caught" them.
Here is the video on Teacher Tube:

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