Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Test Time: Do You Have the Right Stuff?

Hello! Step into my office. I understand that you are thinking of going to work for a little while in a developing country, and you wonder if it's for you.  I am sure every experience is different, and I don't know myself how well I would be doing minus the internet, (Back home- maybe. Here, no way!) but at any rate, I have prepared a little test for you.  Take it and see how you do. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.

Question 1:  You are working at your desk, and you see a large spider. You . . .
(1 point)   think to yourself, "Whoa, look at the size of him.  He must eat a lot of bugs,  good thing he's living here," and go on writing.
(2 points)   jump up and smack him quick with the sole of your sandal.
(3 points)   run out of the room and wait somewhere else till your friend gets home so s/he can kill it for you.

Question 2:  It's 9PM.  You're in the shower and suddenly all the lights in the house go out. You . . .
(1 point)   are really glad you thought to light that candle and set it on the sink before you got started.
(2 points)   calmly finish up in the dark.
(3 points)   start screaming, "Lights!  Where are the lights!"

Question 3:  You are walking down the street and motor scooters and motorcycles blaring Beep! Beep! Beep! keep buzzing past you, sometimes, it seems,  from only inches away.  You . . .
(1 point)   try not to jump or move from your intended path, and trust they are not going to swerve, either.
(2 points)   reflexively jump back and say "Oops! Sorry!" to the fellow pedestrian you just knocked over.
(3 points)   press yourself against the nearest building and continue on to your destination sideways, walking like a crab.

Question 4:  You begin to eat some stew.  You find a fish scale and a fish bone in the first couple of mouthfuls.  The stew tastes fishy.  You . . .
(1 point)   take them out of your mouth, lay them aside, and keep eating.
(2 points)   think, "Well, I wasn't that hungry anyway," try a few more bites and then lay down your spoon.
(3 points)   immediately stop eating and say out loud, "Yuck! Gross!" and make a big deal out of it.

Question 5:  You see a Hershey's chocolate bar (can of Diet Coke, pack of Doritos) in the store.  It's not very large, and you notice it costs $2.50.  You . . .
(1 point)   think to yourself, "That's the price of a whole 19-ounce bottle of dish soap! No way am I paying that much for Doritos!"
(2 points)  squirm a little and fork over the money.  You really need some chocolate. Now.
(3 points)  buy 8 of them with your last $20 bill, because this is the first time you have ever seen them and you know they will not be here when you come back next week.

Question 6: You wake up in the morning covered with mosquito bites. You . . .
(1 point)   thank your lucky stars that you are on a malaria medication, and you coat yourself with DEET from now on before you go to bed at night.
(2 points)   go to the store and buy yourself a mosquito net which you jury-rig over your bed.
(3 points)  change your return plane ticket from next year to tomorrow.

Okay!  Time to add up your scores. Note: If you have had an appendectomy, you may deduct 2 points from your score.
up to 9 points You could think about joining the Peace Corps.
10 to 12 points This kind of work might be a problem for you.
13 to 18 points You should stay home and watch the movie.  

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