Saturday, May 9, 2009

Has "The Rainy Season" Arrived?

The weather has been nothing but sunny and gorgeous since I arrived here in January.  The past few days we have had some rain, however.  
This afternoon I went to visit some new friends on Florenceau Street, a little less than a mile from me, and around 6 o'clock the sky started to cloud up and darken.  They told me that the rainy season is beginning.  It turns out it did not rain tonight; they offered to drive me home, but gave me an umbrella instead when I insisted there was time to walk.  "Here: If you take this with you, it won't rain!" they said, and they were right.
It did rain on Friday night, though, and here is a video I made while it was still light, about 6 o'clock, after a heavy downpour. 

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